Genetics Unzipped is the podcast from the Genetics Society - one of the oldest learned societies dedicated to promoting research, training, teaching and public engagement in all areas of genetics. Find out more and apply to join at

Upcoming deadlines at the Genetics Society

Upcoming deadlines at the Genetics Society

2023 calendar with the Genetics Society logo

"Click here to listen to the full podcast episode"

1st March is the deadline for the Society’s next round of public engagement grants, with small grants up to £1000 and larger grants up to £5000 available to support online or in-person public engagement activities relevant to genetics. It’s a great opportunity to spread the word to the wider world.

The 3rd of March is the deadline for abstract submission for The Genetics Society’s 2023 Spring conference on gene regulatory networks, to be held at St Catherine’s College Oxford on 12th-14th April. Early-bird cheap registration also closes on 6th March, so get your skates on. 

And finally, tickets are still available for the upcoming For Your Inspiration event at the Royal Institution in London from 6 to 9pm on 17th March, in partnership with The Genetics Society. Aimed at young people aged 13 and upwards, as well as adults, there will be a stimulating talk as well as hands-on activities with researchers from around the country, showing how they are using cutting edge genetics research to learn more about the amazing diversity of life on our planet. Standard tickets are £16 or £10, £7 for RI members and patrons, and free for RI young members.

All about (genetic) Eve: the quest to find the female founder of our human species

All about (genetic) Eve: the quest to find the female founder of our human species

Origin of man: In search of the original Y chromosomal Adam

Origin of man: In search of the original Y chromosomal Adam