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Rewriting the genetic alphabet

Rewriting the genetic alphabet

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The genetic alphabet as we know it consists of four letters - A, G, T and C, which are the abbreviations of four chemical bases, adenine, guanine, thymine and cytosine. A always pairs with T, through two connections known as hydrogen bonds, while G always pairs with C through three bonds.  This four-letter code has long been considered fixed for all life on Earth, but in 1977 researchers in the Soviet Union identified a phage virus called S-2L, which infects photosynthetic bacteria, that contained a chemically modified version of adenine, which they called 2-aminoadenine, or Z for short. 

Z is very similar to A, but it has an extra little chemical addition known as an amine group. This allows it to form a third hydrogen bond with its pairing partner, T, compared to the usual two between A and T. As a result, the Z-T pairing is more stable and resistant to the kinds of viral DNA-chomping enzymes that make up the bacterial immune system. But although it’s intriguing, the discovery was considered a scientific curiosity and largely ignored in the decades that followed

Then in the early 2000s, researchers at University of Evry in France began looking more closely at the curious Z-based S-2L virus genome. They identified the genes for producing Z and began searching for other viruses that harboured the same genes, suggesting that they might also make Z too. To their surprise, far from S-2L being a one-off, there were hundreds of similar phages that were also using Z instead of A.

Then in 2021, researchers managed to identify all the molecular machinery necessary for using Z to make DNA instead of A, including an enzyme that produces Z, and a polymerase enzyme that incorporates Z into DNA as it’s being replicated.

Scientists think that using Z could help viruses avoid bacterial defences that recognise and destroy foreign genetic code (we’re back to arms races again!). But the additional stability of the Z-T pairing could provide other advantages. 

The appearance of Z in viruses shows the adaptability of the genetic code and dispels the myth that it is a ‘frozen’, ‘static’ or ‘completed’ code. In fact, there may be many more examples of Z-T pairing or other substitutions in nature that haven’t been discovered yet because standard genetic sequencing can’t identify them. I guess you don’t know what’s out there if you can’t see it… Who knows what other letters we could be adding to the genetic alphabet in future.


DNA Has Four Bases. Some Viruses Swap in a Fifth, Quantamagazine

A widespread pathway for substitution of adenine by diaminopurine in phage genomes, Science

Noncanonical DNA polymerization by aminoadenine-based siphoviruses, Science

A third purine biosynthetic pathway encoded by aminoadenine-based viral DNA genomes, Science

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