All tagged adam rutherford

Living with the Eugenic Past: Adam Rutherford

This podcast is part of a miniseries of interviews with speakers from the 2022 annual conference of the Adelphi Genetics Forum - a learned society that aims to promote research and discussion concerning the scientific understanding of human heredity. Formerly known as the Galton Institute, and before that, the Eugenics Education Society, the society has changed its name to the Adelphi Genetics Forum to firmly reject and distance itself from the discredited and damaging ideas of its namesake, Francis Galton – widely viewed as the founder of eugenics.

Dr Adam Rutherford is a writer and broadcaster, and is an honorary senior research associate at University College London, where he first trained as a geneticist in what was then known as the Galton laboratory. He’s the author of the recent book Control, which explores the dark past and troubling present of eugenics, and gave this year’s Adelphi Lecture on ‘Eugenics and the misuse of Mendel’. To begin our conversation, I asked him where Galton’s ideas originally came from.