Genetics Unzipped is the podcast from the Genetics Society - one of the oldest learned societies dedicated to promoting research, training, teaching and public engagement in all areas of genetics. Find out more and apply to join at

Are my hormones making me fat? Hormones: The Inside Story

Are my hormones making me fat? Hormones: The Inside Story

We bring you a sneak peek of a new science podcast that you might also enjoy, brought to you by the Society for Endocrinology and produced by First Create the Media - the team behind Genetics Unzipped.

Presented by Georgia Mills, Hormones: The Inside Story uncovers the truth about how hormones affect stress, sleep, body fat, fertility and almost every aspect of our daily lives and health in this new, expert-led, myth-busting show. Available now on Podbean, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Enjoy!

S3.25 *Repost* Uprooting the tree of life: Darwin, DNA and de-extinction

S3.25 *Repost* Uprooting the tree of life: Darwin, DNA and de-extinction

Genetics Shambles 11: In conversation with Prof Steve Jones

Genetics Shambles 11: In conversation with Prof Steve Jones